
“I use my Jackass Sawhorses quite a lot. Not only in my construction work but also in everyday uses. Throw a piece of plywood on top and you have the perfect table for garage sales or work bench. Spread them out and put a walk plank on them and you have a nice scaffold to work from. Because I drive a small suv and am limited on space, I love the fact that they fold up compactly to give me extra space for other tools. Strong, study, compact and reliable, the Jackass Sawhorse is the only Sawhorse I’ll ever own!”

Arthur Knepp

“The Jackass Sawhorse is a must for any handyman. They are made sturdy and don’t move while you are cutting your material”

Danny D

“I’m a general contractor in North Carolina. I use my Jackass sawhorses every day. They are very strong and have outlasted any sawhorses that I have ever had before. I like how compact they are when they fold up and the saw hook is an added bonus”

Mark L.

“I have used the Jackass sawhorses for all of my home remodel jobs and they work great!   They’re light weight and very strong.   When I built my airplane, I used them as the base for the jig to build the wings.  Everyone that has helped me wants a set”

Mike K